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Planting and Rooting

Come and be part of the Tree Planting Week. We want to plant lots of fruit trees and berry bushes. This week will be an opportunity to enjoy working and creating together, while exploring our own roots. As always we will do our daily morning practice. After 4 hours work, we take time to rest. Before dinner we take a moment to come together and do some inquiry and sharing. How can we root deep into ‘I am’ and allow ourselves to blossom as our very unique expression of Life? In the evening we do as we like: games, music, reading, nothing …

For this week we especially welcome people with gardening experience and forestry knowledge. Those who are not afraid of physical effort are also very welcome.

This week is led by Zoe for the general guidance and the moments of inquiry and practice. If you are an expert in forestry, you are welcome to put yourself forward to take responsibility for overseeing the planting work.

Your financial participation for this week is just what is asked as a donation of a work-exchange guest. Learn more here.

Amiglia has 1,4 hecares of land. It’s mostly here, in the ‘front garden’, that we want to create the fruit forest.

December 29

Nobody’s Dancing into the New Year